Don't Be The Hot Mess, Unorganized To Your Favorite Part Of The Day!

My mom once told me that her trick to happiness is treating your hobbies like careers.  It’s all about being organized and making time and prioritizing. My hobbies keep me sane so I like to set up my life so I can quickly jump into each of them whenever I’m ready. “How?” you ask...with my OTG|247 bags.  Is there even a question about it?





I tried to use my downtime for blogging but I’ve realized that inspiration hits me in the strangest places. For this reason, my laptop is always on me in my OTG|247 Techie #9 bag. Before leaving the house, I’m always sure to grab my laptop, charger, and headphones and slip them in the bag. There is nothing worse than getting a gab-worthy topic and not being able to get it out because you don’t have a laptop.

Soul Cycle

Fitness is something I’m passionate about and I Soul Cycle at least twice a week to help declutter my mind. To stay ready, I keep an OTG|247 #10 bag with the essentials in my car. Yes, sneakers, a towel, and gym clothes. It’s hard to be a front-row warrior if you’re late to class because you had to stop home for clothes.

Dog Walking

The only thing I love more than blogging and cycling is Friday, my sweet little French Bulldog. Because I tend to get busy, active time with Friday will always trump my own personal downtime. I make a point to keep doggie bags and a couple treats in my OTG|247 #1 bag ready for our walks. I leave it hanging next to his leash for quick access. Funny enough, whenever Friday sees me with a #1 bag, he assumes it’s walk time even if it’s a different bag. Of course, I am never too busy to get fresh air with my fur baby.

There’s always a surprising way to stay organized with OTG|247.


{O}verly {O}ranized Holly
