Prepare for Fall, Hassle-free with these hacks!

The summer is but a fading memory and fall has officially arrived. It’s time to pack up the summer clothes and pull out your finest fall attire. I welcome the crisp cool air that comes with the season change. Preparing for fall is a full family affair. Yes— even little Emma is helping now. She loves helping to swap out our season pillows and her wonderful dad, Mark, pulls out the ladder to clean the gutters. As for me, fall is the perfect time to fall clean. I know I just spring cleaned but, let’s be honest, fall cleaning is a “thing” and not to be overlooked...I mean the holidays are around the corner.  I try to make life easier by organizing in OTG|247.

My home office, not my family, is the reason I desperately clean and declutter each season.  As a Family Law Attorney, I spend hours mulling over files and taking notes. I like to take the time to pull out all of my #10 bags and reorganize my current cases because I use them to store and transport my files between home, office & court.


When they aren’t in my tote, I have them in an OTG|247 Acrylic Display.  I have one at my home and my office to house them so they are easy to see and ready to go.  I color code by case and count on these bags so I am always prepared. That also means going through the #2 bags that I keep in my tote to make sure all of my pens and highlighters are working. There is nothing worse than being in court and needing to make a note and none of your pens work!  I am always put together and prepared with the OTG|247 system. Remember, preparation and organization, reduces stress and we all need less stress!


{O}verly {O}rganized Abby
